Building a more resilient world

Resilience is about anticipating the unknown so we can weather the unexpected and tackle the world’s most complex challenges writes Michael S Burke at the launch of AECOM’s annual Sustainability Report.

The need for resilience stimulates creative thinking in all those involved with infrastructure projects to prepare for and manage ever-changing risks. Our world is unpredictable and, as our digital and physical worlds unite, it is increasingly connected and complex. With this convergence comes both opportunity and risk. Resilience is about anticipating the unknown so we can weather the unexpected and tackle the world’s most complex challenges.

Our sixth annual Sustainability Report, Building a More Resilient World, illustrates the strength and holistic scope of our resilience approach — from client offerings, to the way we anticipate and respond to extreme weather changes, to how we make our organization resilient. Read about our work to integrate sustainability into our operations and services, and the tangible impact our colleagues made through our Corporate Responsibility program, Blueprint for a Better World

Highlights of the 2017 report

  • Preparing for disaster in a world of extremes – project insights from our sustainability and resilience specialists
  • Sea level rise knows no boundaries – how to mitigate natural disaster
  • Team members from around the globe lend their voices to share why sustainability matters and how our expertise and practices strengthen our work

Click here to explore the report and download a pdf.