AECOM is developing, operating and maintaining the required infrastructure and programs, as well as planning and designing pilot projects, to make connected and automated vehicles a safe reality around the world.

Our lives in the near future will be highly influenced by vehicles that sense and avoid collisions while simultaneously alerting other vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists of their presence; trucks that can carry more cargo in less space by platooning; on-demand driverless shuttles that can take you from a train stop to your final destination; and city centers with fewer parking lots and more drop-off and pick-up zones.

How these new technologies will impact mobility, accessibility, and congestion in the future will be influenced by the research, policies, regulations and deployments done today. By carefully mapping how connected and automated vehicles will affect future transportation networks, AECOM is helping to forecast, develop and meet federal, regional, and local safety, mobility and environmental goals. With a focus on the complete project lifecycle- from feasibility and planning, to testing and piloting, to design and deployment- our experts are prepared with integrated solutions for the next wave of transportation innovation.


AECOM Connected and Automated Vehicles Capabilities:

  • Transportation Operations – Traffic analysis, simulation, intersection and signal design, traffic control centers

  • Research & Development – Technology development, assessment and application, feasibility analysis, behavior studies, technology acceptance

  • Modeling Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles – Travel demand forecasting, micro-simulation, scenario modeling and analysis

  • Safety Analysis & Assessment – Traffic, pedestrian, bicycle and transit safety analysis

  • Testing and Evaluation – Pilot projects, development of performance measures, performance dashboards, developing technology roadmaps

  • Knowledge and Technology Transfer – Sharing international best practices for planning, designing, implementing and sustaining connected and automated vehicles solutions

  • Human Factors Research – Exploring how human driver behavior will change as a result of connected and automated vehicles

  • Data Analytics – Big data analysis, performance measurement, predictive algorithms

  • Cybersecurity Solutions – Data privacy and protection

  • Policy and Planning – Connected and automated vehicles readiness planning, long-range planning and visioning, incorporating connected and automated vehicles into capital improvement plans, policy development, connected and automated vehicles scenario planning, incorporating connected and automated vehicles into transit service

  • Design – Roadway design, architectural and landscape design, connected- and automated-vehicles-friendly parking and loading area design, intelligent transportation systems design, cost estimation

  • Construction – Traffic, pedestrian, bicycle and transit

  • Resiliency – Risk mitigation strategies, emergency management

  • Legal and Regulations – Legal analysis, regulatory development

  • Economic Analysis – Labor force impacts, economic benefits, financial analysis

  • Environmental – Vehicle emissions profiles, electric vehicle infrastructure

Innovation in Transportation

Innovation and application of new technologies to transportation is systematic at AECOM. Our business model not only empowers us to effectively respond to the rapid advancement of technology, but, more importantly, to drive it. Where do you want to go and how do you want to get there? Imagine it. Delivered.